The weekly #SEObits round-up is a curated recap of the best of the week’s social media coverage. There are a lot of useful insights in these tweets, but they go by so quickly that you might miss them! Here’s my best effort at bringing all those answers and questions into one place.

Allow SEO to guide content, not drive it. It should be a navigator to the writing, not the driver of the words. CAVEAT: I’m not on the marketing side, but I’ve lost hours of my life editing content I would never allow on our website.
Kelli Rodriguez Currie, JD
->#Guest #Blogging! ->If the #company is targeting <22age, then of course try mentioning the website in some meme/comedy creative. ->#Webniar and to make registration on the website’s homepage(landing page) ->#Promoting #Discounts always works if the trial period was #successful
Nitin Gupta
Start with inverted indexes
Bill Slawski
Focus on long tail keywords. Focus on long tail keywords. Focus on long tail keywords.
??????? ?????
“Don’t let it get to you.” When you first start off, you’re probably going to have room for improvement with your emails. It’s also a given people will be dicks about receiving outreach emails anyway. Don’t let any of it get to you. As shit as it is, it’s part of the game.
Ryan Jones
Repurpose your blog content into videos and infographics and start adding value on community forums
Grande Dia
Be genuine. Develop a process to measure and improve your approach. Part of your success relies on your target audience – spend time thinking / choosing the right ones to outreach.
Jerry Low
If you’re reaching out about an unlinked mention in press coverage, do it as immediately after publishing as possible. Start with journalist and then editor. If reaching out to a regular site, dig in to find someone with editorial responsibility rather than the contact us form.
Mark Alves
Don’t be rude (you are representing your client), don’t beg (you are representing your client), and don’t use templates (if you don’t want to seem like a spammer)
Colin McDermott
Spend serious time on research for content and the digital assets you are building – otherwise it will fail.
SEO guy
Initial response rate will be less but over a period of 2-3 months you will be flooded with replies. So be patient and consistent. Make sure to send personalised emails and not templates ones.
Dileep Thekkethi
From my experience, the outreach template that you are using really matters. Read and Implement each new trick you come across and improve your outreach email depending on the results.
Rayyan Syed
#5 for sure
Rhymes w/ lasagna
Public Relations is now #SEO – has been for years #PublicRelations
Rhymes w/ lasagna
Twitter is an amazing SEO resource. These are other recaps of answers to common SEO questions or challenges I see floating around the Twitterverse, to quickly vanish. Here are some recent #seobits I’ve created to capture these ephemeral threads for future reference.