It might surprise you to know that you can access more data in Google Search console by typing in some Regex than you can through clicking on the various UI elements in the “Performance” section of Search Console that reveals data about your site’s & Google performance.

See Queries in GSC With Just 1 Word

First load up Google Search console, click “Performance”, then hit “+New” above the chart, click query and change the dropdown element from it’s default of “Queries containing” to Custom(Regex). Then you can input this following Regex string to narrow down the resulting data to just keywords that are one word long.


There seems to be a COUPLE of competing strings being suggested for longer strings of words.

Option 1. This one should give you 3 word queries -> ^[a-zA-Z]+\s[a-zA-Z]+\s[a-zA-Z]+$
Option 2. ^(([\S]+ |[\S]+)){3}$ <-- Replace the # 3 here with your desired number
Option 3. This one should also give you 3 word queries -> ^(\S+\s+){2}\S+$ 

Hat tip to Sander Tamaëla, Dave Sottimano and Pete Watson-Wailes

Video Guide from Annie Cushing Using Search Console And REGEX

Learn more from Annie’s post on Regex & GSC

How to leverage GSC data

I figure out quite a BIT of SEO by hanging out on Twitter, Facebook and Slack groups. I’m taking the time to record answer to common SEO questions or challenges in posts like these so you can learn SEO as well. Here’s some recent #seobits I’ve tackled:

Also, there are tools that can help you uncover Google Search Console data quickly. SEOGets is a great example of the tools. With it, you can get valuable insights about your websites in record time.

Categories: SEObits

Jeremy Rivera

Jeremy Rivera started in SEO in 2007, working at Advanced Access a hosting company for Realtors. He came up from the support department, where people kept asking "How do I rank in Google" and found in the process of answering that question an entire career. He became SEO product manager of, went "in-house" at Raven Tools in Nashville in 2013. He then worked at several agencies like Caddis, 2 The Top Design as an SEO manager and then launched a 5 year freelance SEO career. During that time he consulted for large enterprise sites like Smile Direct Club, Dr. Axe, HCA, Logan's Roadhouse and Captain D's while also helping literally hundreds of small business owners get found in search results. He has authored blog posts at Authority Labs, Raven Tools, Wix, Search Engine Land. He has been a speaker at many SEO conferences like Craft Content and been interviewed in numerous SEO focused podcasts.