This is an honest assessment of the SEO strategy and status of the SEO health of this site. This will be a regularly updated monster of a post, with a table of anchor links to the various sections covering the various aspects of SEO for this project.
Why have an ongoing SEO case study? ?
I’ve been doing SEO for small sites, large sites and everything in-between for years. As I sat in the car this last week on a vacation to Destin with my wife, I envisioned what I wanted out of the next three years and realized that I really do believe in the capability and quality of my keyword forecasts and want it to succeed in a big way.

That means taking this project seriously from an SEO perspective, instead of an on-off, side project I want to treat it to the same level of attention and execution as I’ve done for my paying freelance SEO clients.
Recent New Content Created
- SEO Forecasting
- Made a new cornerstone page for the subject with SEO Forecasting: The Comprehensive Guidebook
- SEO Opportunity Sizing
- SEO Forecasting Headaches: Time To Rank
- SEO Chat Recaps
- Updated SEO at scale on a tight budget #SEOchat
- Created companion article for SEO on a budget chat
- Why Optimize Your Digital Customer’s Experience? <- Edited to be JUST the SEOchat thread.
- Companion summary article: Optimize Your Site’s “Digital Experience”
- Previously a summary was in the post for just the tweets and block quotes, but I separated them.
- #SEObits
- Content that satisifes user needs
- Based this off an interesting thread by Lyndon (Darth NA)
- Content that satisifes user needs
- Other SEO Articles
- Spent time adding new content and refreshing What SEO KPIs Can You Use With Your SEO Clients? and adding some new images.
- Created SEO SOPs tag
- Created SEO Fundamentals tag

- Started promoting international SEO capabilities
Current SEO Strategy
I’ve got three parts to the current strategy. The first is to capture weekly #seochats, capture them as recap articles, and then make a summary type companion article. Second is to capture interesting SEO conversations and turn them into short form #seobits articles.
Last, I’m trying to make an SEO forecasting hub and spoke, addressing all of the different ways that people think about and approach predicting SEO traffic.
What’s your process for making sure you’ve got content that actually supports the keyword research part of your tool?
That would be where I created these use-case type pages: