The world is changing. We can see that everywhere we look. Even within the relatively new confines of online content consumption, the world is changing at a staggering pace. The way in which we (and by we I mean the general public, including your customers) consume our media has undergone a sharp change, and as a business it behooves you to rise to meet it.

There was a time when blog posts were all you needed. They were a great way to not only give your SEO a little organic boost but also help to give your brand a voice. They imbued your business with a sense of personality that made it all the more appealing.

They also established you, the face of the business, as a reputable and knowledgeable leader; someone who knows their onions and can be trusted with their ongoing custom.

While blogging still works if you optimize your content correctly, times have changed, and it seems as though the busier we get, the less time we have for long-form content. We know for a fact that people are consuming more media on the go through their smartphones and mobile devices than on static computers.

They’re catching their hit of content in tiny bite-sized chunks on the train to work or on their coffee break.

This means that video is the best way to reach customers in 2024 and is fast becoming one of the fastest-growing digital marketing trends of 2024. Thus, it’s necessary for you to make sure that your outsourced IT support provider has the facilities for you to make, edit, and upload video content without clogging your business’ bandwidth. Here’s why:

Video is efficient

A gifted writer can hook and engage readers, sure. They can weave data seamlessly into prose and get information across to a reader artfully… Absolutely. But video is simply a more efficient form of communication.

A picture is, after all, worth a thousand words. Video can get dense information across quickly in an easily digestible format.

When you’re trying to reach busy decision-makers who don’t have the time to read through larges chunks of text, video is the way to go. Here are more reasons why video is better than written content:

Video is sharable

The beauty of video content is that not only is it easy to consume, but it’s also easy to share on social media platforms. There’s also evidence to suggest that video posts on social media get more engagement than long-form written content. Whether you post live-action or animated videos, they garner more likes, more shares, and more comments.

Video performance metrics are easy to understand and actionable

Any entrepreneur worth their salt knows that keeping a close eye on your metrics is an essential part of any content marketing strategy. The great thing about video metrics is that they are transparent, easy to interpret, and easy to action.

Shares, comments, and clicks speak for themselves but you can also calculate an average of how long users remain engaged with the video. It can help you to identify if a video is too long or that a particular element of your video isn’t working for audiences if they switch off at a certain point. And if your audience doesn’t interact with your video because it’s too long, you can repurpose it into a written content and improve your SEO.

Video may have killed the radio star, but there’s no reason why it can’t breathe new life into your SEO.

Jeremy Rivera

Jeremy Rivera started in SEO in 2007, working at Advanced Access a hosting company for Realtors. He came up from the support department, where people kept asking "How do I rank in Google" and found in the process of answering that question an entire career. He became SEO product manager of, went "in-house" at Raven Tools in Nashville in 2013. He then worked at several agencies like Caddis, 2 The Top Design as an SEO manager and then launched a 5 year freelance SEO career. During that time he consulted for large enterprise sites like Smile Direct Club, Dr. Axe, HCA, Logan's Roadhouse and Captain D's while also helping literally hundreds of small business owners get found in search results. He has authored blog posts at Authority Labs, Raven Tools, Wix, Search Engine Land. He has been a speaker at many SEO conferences like Craft Content and been interviewed in numerous SEO focused podcasts.