SEO maestros and UX wizards converge to share insights on the dynamic duo of search optimization and user-centric design. Here’s the conversation on Twitter:

A1: I hold the same stance I have with any AI tool – Use it to accelerate appropriate tasks, avoid creator’s (writer’s block), and generate new ideas. None of these emerging tools have proven truly autonomous. Human refinement is *always* required before publishing.


A lot more focused content – less a spattering of content – inflated impression numbers will go down #seochat

Mordy Oberstein *Buckle Up*

We don’t need much anticipation – we’ve already seen a fair % of what’s coming.

SEO side, a % will flood the internet with (even more) stolen and spun content.

SE side, we’ve seen them steal traffic,
(the FAQ removal showed around 4% traffic diff?)

Darth Autocrat (Lyndon NA)

A2: Sites that incorporate gamification into the user experience.


A2: A well-built, structurally-sound site creates a certain “magic” for visitors. It’s a creative extension of a brand itself, which while intangible, is still “felt.” Until they consistently pass the Turing Test, Generative AI interfaces won’t have that human touch.


1) Those that have “walled” content (not readily available to bots/crawlers, or content thieves)

2) Those that cover rare topics

3) Those that have rare data points

4) Those that have loyal user bases, and/or aren’t reliant on Search

Darth Autocrat

So easy. There are so many ways to inject your own take on something. Thing 5 ways to build backlinks – crappy title aside you can throw your own success and failures in
To me this isn’t all that complex #seochat

Mordy Oberstein *Buckle Up

A3: This should be straightforward. Have people either create the content entirely or significantly polish whatever their preferred AI tool generates.

There are few recent “changes” by Google that are alarming. Most simply mitigate the risk of bad actors in the space.


#SEOChat A3. These aren’t mutually exclusive things. You can easily do both (and should!), esp. due to the large amount of overlap (Google attempts to emulate/replicate users – uses proxies for what users see/do etc.). Just throw in a few SE only items to be safe.

Darth Autocrat (Lyndon NA)

A4: So long as people still type/speak to search & read text on a screen, word choice will be a significant factor in SEO.

I feel confident there will never be a day were a perfect UX, shallow site (A) beats out a substantive, robust, slightly imperfect UX site (B).


#SEOChat A4. No real change – if people/the tools are doing it properly. At the end of the day – we use language to communicate, and regardless of Entities (things), we will always use keywords (strings) to interact with search. The problem will be for shallow approaches…

Darth Autocrat (Lyndon NA)

A4: I think keyword research tools will become more ROI focused rather than focusing on finding every permutation of niche-related keywords.


A5: Perhaps the quickest win from a site weight perspective is transforming all imagery from PNG/JPG to SVG/WebP. It’s tedium, but improves load time. After that, UX designers are experts in their field. They should be consulted to avoid creative subjectivity.


#SEOChat A5. CDN These usually automatically handle a bunch of Speed aspects, which can be an issue for users (esp. on mobile). Expand Navigation Include additional Sub Navigation systems (breadcrumbs, contextual/non-contextual link blocks (site/section wide)) etc.

Darth Autocrat (Lyndon NA)

#seochat A5 optimise all images even the smallest one too and don’t use CDNs because they are a myth to loading speeds and ux.

Jaroslaw Pidburskyj : SEO

A6: Ultimately, SEO performance should rest on revenue or leads. Any metric other than improved efficiency on these fronts should be treated as merely directionally helpful.

Efforts that reduce friction and increase CR should be prioritized


#SEOChat A6. Testing/Sampling, Annotations and Logging. Nothing should be altered site-wide without first sampling it on a selection of pages/a section. And such changes should be recorded (centrally!), and monitoring/tracking tools should be annotated (exc. GA4, it sucks)

Darth Autocrat (Lyndon NA)

A7: If content belongs on page, it should remain on page. If it’s getting cut from mobile, it doesn’t belong.

The critical changes are layout and how content unpacks. On mobile, the unpacking process (wayfinding) should be made easier, given less screen real estate.


A7: I could see it happening in the context of “responsive personalization” acknowledging the device you are currently using, for example. Beyond that I think it would require too many assumptions and scenarios that LLMs aren’t trained on, yet.


A7 Not new 😀 That was one of the results of early Mobile Internet. Certain big platforms/sites would serve different content, based on Device/UA – to reduce load time and file size etc. You’d see pages served without sidebars, or lacking images/video etc.

Darth Autocrat 

A8: A big misconception is: The first “header” on a page must be the H1. This drives designers & brand owners (+ users) crazy. Use CSS to your advantage. Create SEO-specific styles and designer-specific styles. Implement them appropriately on-page, and both teams win.


One of the big ones is “Keyword usage”, including “LSI Keywords” and “SEO Content”. Slapping the primary/secondary terms in, in an excessive quantity, to the point the text reads unnaturally. Similar for Alt attributes – poor screen reader users get spammed!

Darth Autocrat 

AI Generated Summary of The Tweetchat

Our experts, including Travis, Mordy Oberstein, Sweepsify, and Darth Autocrat, have charted a course through the intricacies of AI tools, content strategies, and the perpetual dance between search optimization and user experience.

In A1, the resounding agreement is that AI tools are allies, not autonomous agents. Travis injects a call for focused content, prophesying that the era of inflated impression numbers is waning.

The anticipation for the future, discussed in A2, is met with a sobering perspective from Mordy Oberstein. The cautionary tales of stolen and spun content raise concerns, hinting at challenges and changes in the SEO landscape.

The gamification of user experience takes center stage in A2, with insights from Sweepsify. The magic of a well-built site, discussed by Travis, transcends the tangible, becoming a creative extension of brand identity.

A3 dives into the delicate balance between human creativity and AI-generated content. The consensus is clear – both have their roles, and human refinement remains imperative.

A4 reaffirms the timeless significance of word choice in SEO. The dialogue between Travis and Darth Autocrat dissects the role of language and the eternal use of keywords in search interactions.

A5 unfolds practical advice on site weight and image optimization. From SVG/WebP transformations to CDN considerations, the experts provide a roadmap for a faster, more user-friendly experience.

In A6, the compass points toward revenue and leads as the true indicators of SEO success. Efforts that reduce friction and increase conversion rates take precedence.

A7 brings us to the heart of content placement and mobile optimization. The consensus is clear – if content belongs, it stays. Responsive personalization is deemed a potential future shift.

The myth of the first “header” as the H1 is debunked in A8, with Travis advocating for CSS-driven harmony between SEO and design. Keyword usage and the balance of SEO and user-friendly content are echoed in the concluding sentiments.

As we reflect on this expedition through the wisdom-filled corridors of #SEOChat, it’s evident that SEO and UX are not mere practices; they are evolving arts, each stroke influencing the other. The conversation ends, but the journey continues. Buckle up for what lies ahead.

Join us again for more insights, discussions, and revelations in the next #SEOChat adventure.

Until then, stay curious and keep optimizing!

Jeremy Rivera

Jeremy Rivera started in SEO in 2007, working at Advanced Access a hosting company for Realtors. He came up from the support department, where people kept asking "How do I rank in Google" and found in the process of answering that question an entire career. He became SEO product manager of, went "in-house" at Raven Tools in Nashville in 2013. He then worked at several agencies like Caddis, 2 The Top Design as an SEO manager and then launched a 5 year freelance SEO career. During that time he consulted for large enterprise sites like Smile Direct Club, Dr. Axe, HCA, Logan's Roadhouse and Captain D's while also helping literally hundreds of small business owners get found in search results. He has authored blog posts at Authority Labs, Raven Tools, Wix, Search Engine Land. He has been a speaker at many SEO conferences like Craft Content and been interviewed in numerous SEO focused podcasts.