Online surveys are a fantastic method to get data and opinions from a huge number of people. However, meticulous planning is necessary to make sure the questionnaire is prepared for success. Here are some guidelines for designing an online survey that is GETS RESULTS.

The first step in establishing a survey is to concentrate on the survey questions because they will determine the response rate from your clients. The best way to accomplish this is to consider the replies, which entails being specific about the data you hope to get from those inquiries.

You need to be specific about the objectives of your survey and craft your questions in a way that encourages participation without sparing respondents a lot of time. For instance, the crowd moves quickly at an event, so even while your goal is to get as many details from a lead as you can, the lead might not want to spend a lot of time at your booth.

In this situation, you may continue to ask the most crucial questions in your survey, such as Name, Email, Mobile Number, and the Product of Interest. Make the final inquiry a multiple-choice one so that your prospective clients may just select one of the options and save time by not having to write anything.

Here are a few quick ideas and strategies to help you develop online surveys that are efficient and get a lot of responses with reliable data.

 Clearly define the purpose of your online survey

The ultimate result for some survey studies might be relatively broad. For instance, if it’s your first time doing research, you could start by identifying your target market to create consumer profiles for marketing reasons. 

Another research may be conducted to learn more about that target market’s unique characteristics, such as how they utilize products or services or their core beliefs. The objective may be to adapt product marketing to use cases and customer perceptions. A different research endeavor may be focused on selecting the best packaging idea from a set of six prototypes.No matter how general or detailed the scope of your project is, remember your ultimate objective is to get helpful survey results.

Surveys with well-defined objectives are well-designed. Spend some time upfront outlining the purpose of the survey in writing.

  • Why are you designing this poll?
  • What will this survey help you achieve?
  • How do you plan to use the information you’re gathering?
  • What choices do you expect the survey’s findings will influence? 

​​Keep The Surveys Short and Simple

Let’s face it, neither you nor I have the time to complete lengthy and time-consuming surveys. Therefore, always keep your online surveys concise while creating them. According to studies, 70% of respondents drop out in the middle due to the length of the surveys.

For the consumers to provide concise replies, the questions should be straightforward. Short, brief survey questions will not only help your consumers save time but also help you save time by providing more accurate and insightful data. Among the key things you should be sure of are the following:

  • Limit the number of survey questions to as few as feasible.
  • Only add the necessary number of survey pages.
  • Don’t ask the same thing repeatedly
  • Make sure that the link to the online survey loads quickly.

Respondents frequently abandon surveys midway through if they take up too much time. This lowers the survey’s response rate. Aim to construct brief and straightforward questionnaires to ensure that individuals finish the complete survey and that you have a high response rate.

Give a Clear Estimation of Time to Complete the Survey

Imagine you are at a store, and a salesperson asks you to fill out a tiny form. As you begin to fill it out, you realize it has lengthy questions. After you fill it out, the salesperson hands you two additional form pages to complete. You find yourself in a position where you are already busy and have a long list of things to buy. What would you think? Would you keep filling out the feedback form? Most likely not!

The same is true of your clients. Most respondents will abandon a survey if it takes longer than expected to complete, which will gradually lower the response rate. As a result, you should always estimate how long it will take to finish the survey right from the start. One of the finest techniques is to do this since it shows responders that you appreciate their time.

Motivate the Respondents to Complete the Survey

You should entice respondents to engage while creating a survey. The commencement of the online survey itself is the best moment to conduct it.

  • Explain the purpose of your survey in the opening sentences by using phrases like “We’re conducting this survey to better understand your requirements.”
  • Establish the significance of completing the survey – Ensure your respondents understand the study’s importance. You may add something like, “Your feedback allows us to serve you better.”

This will encourage respondents to offer their opinions in surveys. Additionally, this will indicate that you respect your relationships with consumers and that their input is essential.

Use Easy Language 

Always remember that your clients can readily grasp the wording you choose in your questions when developing an online survey. Avoid using complex and challenging words that your customers could mistake. This can result in incorrect survey findings, which won’t help you get reliable information for business choices.

  • In your survey questions, use straightforward language.
  • Make sure your inquiries are simple to comprehend.
  • Make survey questions for various clients in many languages. 
  • If your target audience is multilingual and speaks many languages, a multilingual survey will probably attract more responses. 

Like keeping things brief, plain language speeds up survey takers’ progress. To avoid ambiguity, questions should be stated in simple, straightforward phrases. To ensure that a response will be clear of what is being requested of them, read questions back to yourself. Even better, get another set of eyes to read it differently.

Preview and Test your Surveys before Sending

Imagine that after distributing a survey, you discovered that you should have added crucial questions or possible responses. Previewing your online study before sending it to anyone is usually preferable to avoid such circumstances.

Additionally, test your survey before distributing it to your respondents. Please share it with several friends or coworkers to run it by them before mailing it. Doing so ensures that your survey is up to par and your questions are adequately designed with working skip logic.

Use closed ended questions whenever possible

Closed-ended survey questions provide respondents distinct answers (such as Yes or No), making it easier to evaluate the results. Multiple choice, yes/no, and rating scale questions are all examples of closed-ended inquiries.

People can respond to open-ended survey questions by using their own words. Open-ended questions are excellent complements because they can yield insightful qualitative data. Closed-ended questions, on the other hand, are favored for data collecting and analysis.

  1. Ensure Safety of the Data to the Customers

A survey aims to collect more pertinent data about the clients and their opinions. But do they feel safe giving you all of their information? Not! Building their trust and establishing their comfort level is necessary.

Reassure respondents that their data is secure and protected while conducting surveys that ask for information like name, phone number, address, email address, age group, income group, and location, among other things. The proper method to handle this is to inform respondents that any information they submit will be kept private and that they adhere to the best data protection and safety standards.

Use WordPress Survey making plugin

If you’re looking for a shortcut and your site is on the CMS, you can use the survey maker plugin WordPress to create surveys for your educational website. It is an excellent tool with 22 distinct survey types built in, so you can schedule, export, and import surveys in WordPress directly.

Keep rating scale questions consistent through the survey

Rating scales are a valuable tool for quantifying and contrasting collections of variables. Keep your rating scales consistent throughout the poll if you decide to use them (for example, from 1 to 5).

Make sure the definitions of high and low remain constant throughout the survey and use the same amount of points on the scale.Use an odd number in your rating scale to facilitate data analysis. Changing the order of your rating scales can confuse survey participants and produce unreliable results.

Jeremy Rivera

Jeremy Rivera started in SEO in 2007, working at Advanced Access a hosting company for Realtors. He came up from the support department, where people kept asking "How do I rank in Google" and found in the process of answering that question an entire career. He became SEO product manager of, went "in-house" at Raven Tools in Nashville in 2013. He then worked at several agencies like Caddis, 2 The Top Design as an SEO manager and then launched a 5 year freelance SEO career. During that time he consulted for large enterprise sites like Smile Direct Club, Dr. Axe, HCA, Logan's Roadhouse and Captain D's while also helping literally hundreds of small business owners get found in search results. He has authored blog posts at Authority Labs, Raven Tools, Wix, Search Engine Land. He has been a speaker at many SEO conferences like Craft Content and been interviewed in numerous SEO focused podcasts.