Seo-arcade has you covered with a curated summary of the weekly #SEOchat on Twitter in case you missed it. Even though these tweets are packed with information, you can miss them because of how quickly they come and go. I’ve tried to compile and cite all of those remarks. This week, the emphasis is on content optimization that takes both robots and readers into account.

Diving into the Dialogue

Q1 sets the stage with a crucial query: How do you reconcile word count suggestions from content optimization tools with the nuanced needs of human readers? The seasoned voices, including Maddy Osman, Kathryn Lang, and Pam Portland, offer perspectives that bridge the gap between robotic algorithms and human readability.

In A2, Maddy Osman unfolds a strategic outline for content creation, emphasizing the significance of headers and storytelling. The conversation expands with insights into content optimization tools like @clearscope and @fraseHQ, as shared by Pam Portland.

Navigating Word Choices and Balancing Acts

The discussion traverses the terrain of word choices in Q3, exploring how language impacts the delicate balance between appealing to humans and robots. Writers like Maddy Osman and Eric shed light on the evolving nature of Google robots and the need for concise, reader-friendly content.

In Q4, the discourse confronts situations where optimizing for robots or humans takes precedence. The consensus leans toward optimizing for humans, given the contextual approach of Google’s BERT update.

Crafting Irresistible Page Titles

Q5 unravels the art of writing page titles that captivate both humans and robots. Practical tips from the experts, such as putting the main point up front, underscore the importance of clarity and conciseness.

Human Touch vs. AI Assistance

The intriguing debate about AI replacing human writers is dissected in Q6a. Writers like Kathryn Lang and Angie Nikoleychuk offer nuanced perspectives, highlighting the irreplaceable human touch and the supplementary role of AI in idea generation and content research.

Parting Wisdom and Looking Ahead

The recap concludes with A7 and A8, where Maddy Osman shares insights about keywords in the context of BERT and encourages writers to find unique takes for each piece they generate.

Maddy Osman: A best-selling author and proprietor of an SEO content marketing service, obsessive about the reading experience

A1: If the content needs to be longer, look at adding some bullet points (or expanding on existing points). If the content needs to be shorter, consider creating multiple posts. #SEOChat

Kathryn Lang – hopesmith and dream ign

A1: I consider word count suggestions just an approx. guideline #SEOChat

Pam Portland

A1: Put simply, investigate. There may be page elements, like comments, that are throwing off the ideal word count suggestion. I share more about how, @blgsmth determines the ideal word count for humans in this. @SEJournal article:…#SEOchat

Maddy Osman

A2: Outline strategy: Opening point with keyword Story H2 with keyword points h3 point 1 – point 5 story h2 with keyword closing CTA #SEOchat

Kathryn Lang – hopesmith and dream ig

A2: I’m encouraged to use the suggested headers rather than adding fun flair. It’s all about the SEO in our world. But I try sometimes. #SEOChat

Pam Portland

A2: Use content optimization tools like

@clearscope and

@fraseHQ to flesh out ideas for topics to include. Don’t forget to add a unique angle on top of this research. You can also do some of your research by analyzing Google search results:

Maddy Osman

A3: I’ve recently switched up my writing process: 1) drop all headers 2) drop in keywords that naturally fit under headers 3) write content to include those keywords under those headers #SEOChat

Pam Portland

A3: The Google robots are constantly trying to be more human-like. I would focus on writing for Humans. #SEOchat


A3: For both humans and robots, you want to think about being concise. For the reader, because they’re trying to skim. For the robot, because they’re trying to quickly process information to give recommendations. The Flesh Reading Ease score is a good benchmark. #SEOchat

Maddy Osman

A4: Optimize for people with a recognization towards the robot. #SEOchat

Kathryn Lang – hopesmith and dream ig

A4: I struggle with this. I optimize for the SEO, obv, but I don’t believe the universe is even searching for our content (based on our keyword report). #SEOChat

Pam Portland

A4: Always humans, imo. The next update might change what the robot thinks, but if it’s clear to the user, that will remain valuable.


A4: It makes more sense to optimize for the human in most situations. Because of Google’s BERT update, analyzing search queries & recommending relevant results is much more contextual now. Strategies like keyword stuffing only get in the way of the reader experience. #SEOchat

Maddy Osman

A5: Once I figured out the software was offering me the exact titles other ppl already used, I just kept them to the point. Maybe a few extra words for kicks and giggles. #SEOChat

Pam Portland

A5: Cut to the chase! Put the main point right at the beginning. Humans can skim and see if they want to click, and robots see that keyword right up front. #SEOchat


A5: 1. Incorporate keywords thoughtfully 2. Generate ideas with GPT-3 tools 3. Use heading formulas to refine AI-generated ideas 4. Refine with heading analyzer tools (like @CoSchedule’s) 5. A/B test title ideas as social posts Context:

Maddy Osman

A6a: Engaging writing comes from the heart so AIs will never be able to take the place of the human in that process. #SEOchat

Kathryn Lang – hopesmith and dream ig

A6a: Robots could def add value if they could help move content through the approval process, but that’s even more nuanced than writing. #SEOChat #TooMuchWorkWaitingForReview

Pam Portland

A6b: If you’re worried, you may be producing/focused on the wrong content. And honestly? Who really loves writing 200 product descriptions? AI can be great for writer’s block, ideal for doing the bulk of the content research, and providing the bones as a starting point. #seochat

Angie Nikoleychuk

A6a: GPT-3 tools can be great for idea generation — helping spark your creative human energy. @wordtune and @copysmith are great examples of ways AI can supplement your efforts. Learn how to use GPT-3 tools to help you: #SEOchat

Maddy Osman

A7a: I try to stick with the keywords that really do tie to the content. But I often think that a keyword might offer an avenue I didn’t consider as a writer, but could answer a Q for a reader. #SEOChat

Pam Portland

A8: I try to find a unique take to each piece I generate. I once went to a food truck for lunch and came back and wrote a post about its role in a strong local economy. #SEOChat #FishAndChips

Pam Portland

As the conversation unfolds, it becomes apparent that the intersection of human readability and algorithmic appeal is an intricate dance. A1 introduces us to the conundrum of word count recommendations from SEO tools that may seem incompatible with the human reader. Maddy Osman, a stalwart in SEO content marketing, advocates for flexibility, suggesting the inclusion of bullet points or the creation of multiple posts as needed.

Moving to A3, the experts dissect the influence of word choice on balancing the needs of both humans and robots. Pam Portland encourages a focus on writing for humans, considering Google’s perpetual quest for more human-like understanding.

A recurring theme in this journey is the eternal struggle of A4: optimizing for the robot or the human. Kathryn Lang emphasizes the perpetual optimization for SEO, whereas Eric highlights the contextual shift brought about by Google’s BERT update, favoring human-centric strategies.

In the realm of crafting page titles (A5), the experts converge on clarity and conciseness. Pam Portland advises cutting to the chase, placing the main point up front, benefiting both human skimmers and algorithmic parsers.

As we delve into the potential threat of AI in writing (A6), a consensus emerges that AI is a supplement, not a replacement. AIs, like GPT-3 tools, are recognized for their prowess in idea generation and overcoming writer’s block. Angie Nikoleychuk adds depth by highlighting the value of AI in content research and providing a starting point.

A culmination of wisdom is found in A7, where Maddy Osman underscores the evolving landscape, where exact match keywords are becoming relics. Pam Portland wraps up the discussion by emphasizing the importance of finding a unique perspective in each piece generated.

Jeremy Rivera

Jeremy Rivera started in SEO in 2007, working at Advanced Access a hosting company for Realtors. He came up from the support department, where people kept asking "How do I rank in Google" and found in the process of answering that question an entire career. He became SEO product manager of, went "in-house" at Raven Tools in Nashville in 2013. He then worked at several agencies like Caddis, 2 The Top Design as an SEO manager and then launched a 5 year freelance SEO career. During that time he consulted for large enterprise sites like Smile Direct Club, Dr. Axe, HCA, Logan's Roadhouse and Captain D's while also helping literally hundreds of small business owners get found in search results. He has authored blog posts at Authority Labs, Raven Tools, Wix, Search Engine Land. He has been a speaker at many SEO conferences like Craft Content and been interviewed in numerous SEO focused podcasts.