While there are multiple large language models available to suggest the relevance of one word to another, the real job of an SEO is to understand how Google co-evaluates similar meaning words, even if they are not direct synonyms.
Simplified Keyword Research: Overlapping Keywords On Top URLs
The best way to do this is by reflecting on how Google treats similar pages. If you review the URLs that all currently are top ranked for one page, and get THOSE page’s TOP ranking footprint (aka the top 100 keywords for those pages) you can compare those datasets, and apply an analytical rubric. This rubric will show you that the terms with the most co-occurence on that set of pages, are STRONGLY corrolated with the “Seed” keyword you started from.
- It’s invaluable to see at a glance if there are MANY different versions of a term or phrase, or just a handful.
- It’s valuable to see if your content actually utilizes the far variants for the term.
- It’s great to identify terms that do not overlap, because they may be long-tail terms that only one competitor is winning
- You can weed out weak words, branded terms for competitors by reviewing low overlap terms and phrases.
Skip the Work, Get Keyword Clusters For FREE:
Our simplified keyword research tool at SEO Arcade uses this method for you, using Data For SEO for it’s SERP dataset and populates it to Google Sheets.